paris 6/5/73

June 6th Saw Notre Dame. Ran into Andrea who is waiting for a friend. Had lunch of French bread, pate, carrots and cucumber salad on the Ille de la Citie. Sitting on the seine having a picnic.
Went to the Louvre. Saw the Mona Lisa, Venus de mile .david, winged victory and was very impressive. To say the least. Paris really is a fantastic city.
At night we were hanging around on the left bank. We ate really good cous cous for supper which was served with wine and oriental mushrooms for 9 Franks at some  really small Algerian restaurant . We found a whole section of cheap restaurants by the seine. We hung out at a cafe for a while drinking Pernod. We walked around at night and saw Paris at night .Notre Dame all lit up .We got to sleep around 1:00. Walking around the Sorbonne having visions of revolution in the street
6/7/73 I'm hitting the midweek point of trying to make  my money  last  till the weekend when my next payment of American Express by my budget is due. We took the train to Versailles. We had lunch of a Tunisian sandwich. Which cost 1.2 Franks
 We took the palace tour and then were  hanging out the gardens for about 2 hours really enjoying it- visions of French courtiers/visions of the good life at least for the top 1%. We ran into Joe Horowitz and his girlfriend there .Versailles is as lovely and as decadent as  often said .Afterwards we picnic in a park having dinner of bread pate salad pastries .We got back to hotel around 9:30 to find out I'm missing a travelers check
6/8/73 had another sumptuous breakfast of bread cheese and milk and oranges. Then Miles and I went to American Express where I reported my missing check to be told I'll be refunded in either Athens or in New York. We went to Jen de plum which was really nice especially the room with Gauguin, van Gogh and Rousseau. I particularly enjoyed the goddess of war -it is one of those paintings you just look at and say wow. I ran into a  au  acquaintance thinking of how  for two and a half years I never talked  to her and now I probably will :of such stuff friendship are made. you go 4,000 mi to meet someone who goes to the same school with you and with one common memory you get close .
We then walked up  to the arch de triumph where we saw a memorial service lighting of fire with world war I and world war II veterans .we walked to the Eiffel tower. We were getting a little bit desperate so we ate burgers at and french fries and a Coke at Jack's Burger House
At night we were walking around the St Michelle area .We kept scolding Victor for calling out le flick  at some some soldiers who were out for a good time I'm getting tired of revolutionary black and white and our side /my side thinking .Arnold and  jess went to sleep and Miles ,Victor and I walked round - there were police all over the place .There's one stoned  group of musicians doing the lion sleeps tonight in French .On Friday night the left bank is awake


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