camp tac 2

I am writing a bit out of sequence. I went to TAC  at the end of my sophomore year of high school. I believe the camp experiences very much changed me, whether for the good or bad would depend on how one views it. I changed a lot there and what I loved is it allowed me to change. I think prior to that I was very introverted and very unsure of myself. I became much more confident and perhaps much more egotistical. I became much closer with sorge  and osstroff less friendly with kaminski Paul Fisher. I always think of those are some of my better summers and loved my summers at camp. That  and my junior year abroad were to some of my favorite memories. Reading about it brings back very good memories. I wasn't writing that extensively and it was mostly just a paragraph per day.
Monday July 1st 1968 -got home 1:00 a.m. so written at 2:00 a.m. decided to tell arrangements for July leaving for camp. So unable to keep up diary. Given synopsis when got back so tell  Then in different handwriting I wrote 
July 1was able to keep up diary. met kids went to dance mostly bad
Tuesday July 2nd 1968 TAC 2 is United. tried for Deb Hyman at campfire she left me to cook marshmallows never came back. Beat tac one in basketball 16 to 12. Good kids Danny Ken
Wednesday July 3rd 1968 Seymour wants me to move back to camp to tent where I supposed to be .I am now in a tent with Jeff Glenn and Ken. ( obviously I moved into the tent with my friends from home rather than go to the tent where I was assigned ) Deb doesn't like me another failure Thursday July 4th 1968 ( much of this pages faded so I am trying to read it though it is difficult - met Lori seems like a b**** playing up to Jeff had boat regatta everyone tipped over the boats they were in. Movie that night was the Brothers karamazov 
 Friday July 5th 1968 Walk to Charlie's a local general store to get food
Saturday July 6th 1968 talk to Natalie Seems- Nice psyched tac one out at night. Social is all right I danced fast finally
Sunday July 6th 7th 9:16 rated tac 1 in early morning sneak attack got them with shaving cream when they counter-attacked we hit them with water buckets. town council is really funny democracy in action all talk 
Monday July 8th 1968 went to Charlie's Saw Toby got much food I was with Nat . also talked to Fern
Tuesday July 9th 1968 went into Milford at night swim dance everyone threw in each other giant shaving cream fight everyone got one another
Wednesday July 10th 1968 advice from Saul who was a counselor play on woman's emotions will never reason never answer questions answer questions with question I definitely have an inferiority complex I like Donna .fern thinks I'm odd and I talk too much ( unfortunately that becomes an ongoing theme that I perhaps never really learned perhaps if I learn to talk less as they say in Hamilton things might have gone different ) raining out sorge  and I run around screaming repent repent build an ark .we jumped in lake with Sue edner . got mad at swords later and I pushed him out of the tent he hurt himself as I became somewhat afraid of my strength
Thursday July 16th 1968 went to observation gelb and leave  .ferns a flirt I need love. All ten tac people slept in the same tent. forget Dina and I walked back Lynn. ( perhaps some explanation of what I am talking about from memory should be pointed out we would have some evening activity either a dance a movie social etc. Afterwards people would pair off and would walk back to their respective tents the boys were in one area the girls were in another area so you would walk a girl back through woods and sometimes to the playing fields and spend some time as it was 10 to 20 minutes from the end of the activity to when you're required to be back in your tent as we did not sleep in a dorm or cabin but we're in tents on a platform and four cots  to a tent. I spent the whole eight weeks doing that and loved it
Friday July 12th 1968 we had a milk drinking contest Jeff was the champ  two quarts Glenn threw up
Saturday July 13th 1968 social I danced well no action
Saturday Sunday July 14th 1968 visiting day nice seeing folks I'm staying for 2 months ( remember the conversation with my parents originally I was only sign up for one month and I really love camp so much I asked to say for second month I believe I used money from my bar mitzvah to pay for same ) Dina all over me but forget it. shaving cream fight ( I sometimes cringe when I look at the lost opportunities and why I would reject someone and acted the way I did it seems I could have pursued various possibilities and perhaps had much better relationships but something always seemed to screw it up perhaps I'm just self-destructive at heart
Monday July 15th Bev hanging all over me I want a girl but not her ( point in case perhaps I could have been less picky and just look things ride)
Tuesday July 16th 1968 trip went to Lennox I hitched into town everyone followed me  went to concert at night to see Martha Alba and Spanish dancers. met Kathy Simon who was there up there from a team camp she was on .talked to Trish Hicks from Oklahoma ( as part of teenage camp we took a trip each month for this month we went to the Berkshires
Wednesday July 7th 1968 toured Williams college I've got bored and took off with four other kids and left the tour -Ron was pissed off when he found out. From there we went into the art museum I went into the phone booth and sorge  asked what I was doing and I said I'm looking for someone I know. I then climbed up onto the roof of the building nearby. at night we saw Judy Collins she was pretty good soege  saw a knits that see and told me he took off her skirt I think he's all talk he said Kathy Simon went all the way for Paul Steiner
Thursday July 18th 1968 fooled  around with Jill on the way back -she was upset with Golden who made it with Fern who was supposed to be going with lieb.Golden was scared as we told him we would kill him ( in today's times where words means are taking much worse very no tolerance I realize you would say stuff like we're going to kill you and all the time which basically just meant to beat them up or get at them in some way when obviously has been much more careful of what one says these days )
Friday July 19th 1968 The kitchen crew led by Kathy led a revolt against me. ( again I don't totally remember what that was about I believe you were assigned various tasks and perhaps I was in charge of the kitchen and people did not enjoy what I did ) it was raining we threw several people into the lake
July 20 th 1968 dance was bad Klinger and golden got drunk Jeff came running in to say he saw a bear I was attacked by a hundred mad chipmunks ( needs to be put in context for some reason Jeffwas put on probation and was not allowed at the dance but was supposed to be in the tent which is why him running in the talk about the bear was a big deal The chipmunk thing was an ongoing joke we had as there were chipmunks all over)
Sunday July 21st 1968 Town council again we would have a weekly town council to go over things town council f. BJ blew boyfriend back home so of course we start calling her BJ I'm very immature Bev Allen uses speed Rich got better over Gary finger her Jane Zimmer was crazy Lynn is immature Dean is a flirt and when I left out of all this is that my propensity for gossip was more envy as I was still straight and a virgin so I was obviously fascinated by any sexual gossip
Monday July 22nd 1968 sorge got thrown to the girl's shower we then went on a revenge  raid we got shaving cream and got several girls Donna chased us into the boys area where 10 boys converge and threw her into the bird bath we then led an  army equipped them and attacked at night Jeff was thrown into a shower by a girl's I had seven eight wins arm wrestling .at night out with Dina we just kissed
Tuesday July 23rd 1968 Ron's a s******* made us make stupid bricks girls failed to meet us at 3:30 a.m. for third time in a row- again to put it into context we used to try some late night assignments in the athletic field which was in between the two tent areas
Wednesday July 24th 1968 talk to Ellen told her not to be concerned about other people think ( for all my immaturity  and silliness and inadequacies, I believe at times I could  listened and be very empathetic)
July Thursday July 25th 1968 talked to Fern she's nice I told her not to hear so much about what people and what they say (Case in point or the fact that I only have one kind of conversation0
Friday July 26th 1968 sORGE  is an inconsiderate selfish not loyal fatal masochist hypocrite who cares only about himself jeff some immature boy hung up on sex I am learning about my friends here Sorge said he got to 3rd with some girl tonight. (obviously have ups and downs with friends and I'm not sure how much of that was envy or whether I was just fed up)
Saturday July 27th 1968 the last social in July we won game of Buck Buck .Glenn with Jill she's stupid Lou the counselor was called kicked out as he was caught with a girl camper and was getting beer for kids
Sunday July 28th 1968 day of rage at 4:30 we got up and got Bob Fisher and tac  1 kids we dragged denberg into the shower would they then counterattack Sten went crazy but we were the best- then Dina and Alice got  dragged in the bird bath we then used sorge  bait and let him be  then dragged in to the girls bath and then 35 boys charged to the rescue like cavalry charging in an Indian movie we got them with shaving cream and water buckets .during lunch the girl sent a  commando team to mess up the tents they also ripped sorges  sleeping bag
Monday July 29th 1968 old campers left New arrived Don't look so good
I will take a break at this point as it ends one month of camp the points don't get across how much I just enjoyed the day-to-day life there and no there was some moments and some things maybe I could have done differently overall it was a highly enjoyable experience and I was developing in many different ways


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