camp August 1968

Tuesday July 30th 1968 missed chance at girl. Walked her back but that's it. Got better look in the morning
Wednesday July 31st 1968 nothing of importance New kids bad news
Thursday August 1st 1968 should have tried harder for Robin with her at movie but didn't walk back because of rain
Friday August 2nd messed up jaffe the counselors bunk got screwed for it. Should try for Rob but no desire. Service is bad
Saturday August 3rd 1968 last co-op election elected bunk chairman Jeff and Glenn had talked with Matt they may be sent home Matt reminds me of Johnson no credibility he once said quote what his fear is fair what is not fair is not fair brilliant statement from our leader. parentheses Matt was the head of the camp where Ron was the head counselor and the parenthesis
P Sunday August 4th 1968 find a $1.40 in town council we voted the waiters out of one of their nights. Parentheses this was just means spirited and I regreted it and following years The waiters or counselors and trainings were a year older than us and worked at the main camp but were able to come over to tack a few nights a week for dances and stuff. here due to jealousy and resentment we took away one of their nights. It should be noted in the following year at a great advantage of these nights when I was a waiter it taught me not to be short-sighted or perhaps I never learned that lesson but it should have told me not to be short so excited as what somebody that looks good one year me bite in the ass the next year
Monday August 4th 1968 when on canoe trip down the Delaware Dave comb is hilarious you want on the monkey slide that was fun awestruck was sent home I found this out when we got back from the canoe trip ( I didn't write about it but we slept over in an island in the middle of the Delaware that night and camped out I remember enjoying it immensely and we sat around the campfire it's funny I should have enjoyed camping more but I have not camped as much as one would as I might have liked
Tuesday August 6th 1968 trip rained out we paddled six miles in the rain
Wednesday August 7th 1968 played soccer I'm improving
Thursday August 8th 1968 pulled beds out from tents fell asleep at movie and he got your gun almost got in a fight with a waiter over a chair I got the chair he shut up
Friday August 9th 1968 nothing. Service is bad farce etc
P Saturday August 10th 1968 Mardi gras when is a hard guy Lost out with Donna sat with Susan ebner till 1:00 a.m. watching the Stars
Sunday August 11th 1968 fell asleep at town council
Monday August 12th 1968 did nothing really great ( I realized my journalistic meanderings became very sparse during this period My memory is that I had a great time the entire year and enjoyed pretty much every day there but just did not write much about it
Tuesday August 13th 1968 left for Canada eight at hape Town at night played games with the lights driving sten crazy ( then was our foreign counselor I believe he was from Norway and did not quite understand crazy well childish American Jewish kidsWe went for pizza which was the first we had since we I left for camp
Wednesday August 14th 1916 went to expo in Montreal and was good Saw film we are young best pavilion me and Weiner got served beer at the Swiss pavilion earlier me Rob and Rick went on the mini monorail three times we were staying at a hostel in several Russians checked in the hostel they were really big I was singing I like it here in America fooled around at night had a pillow fight Ron called penguin Brown got bombed ( as part of the cruelty of being teenagers we called Ron who was somewhat obese penguin as he had that silhouette of the penguin
Thursday August 15th 1968 went to Quebec me Danny and Ron running around the battlefield. We're watching some couple making it. Comedy routine at night Gross did a great invitation of stand
Friday August 16th marking around way back for he's the jolly good penguin I had to help I've been kidnapped by crazy penguin also we were yelling blanks a f**** again I'm not totally comfortable or in love with some of the ways I behaved or spoke in those days
Saturday August 17th 868 social bad lost out on debrich and Donna Marks I want TLC Sunday
Sunday August 18th 1968 carnival band I was with Linda Rich I probably could get her but she has no personality saying roll me over instead of some Gilly Gilly for show I organized the plot
Monday August 19th 1968 discussion bad news Psy said no raids everyone chickened out talk to foreign counselor who said war is big business we won the soccer game 3-0 and gets the waiters
Tuesday August 20th 1968 trial started it seems all right
Wednesday August 21st 968 we carry trunk can from tied up in his bed into the mitkvah. It was bad Ron kept yelling at us and I cried the penguin squawks at yelled at us Seymour yelled at us because my tent was shouting at night
Thursday August 22nd 1968 staff show really bad
Friday August 23rd 68th services eh. Messed up wortzels bed
Saturday August 24th 1968 yellow submarine to couple people
Sunday August 25th 1968 rain on boys at 5:30 a.m. got fine really bad then 30 kids rated girls area they counter attacked we smashed them no one got caught left camp said my goodbyes I will miss tack


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